The Telektonon Trinity : Part 4D, The Realtime Dreamtime Prophecy

The New Time Codes of Telektonon: The Mother of All Prophecy. Unveiling the Primordial Telektonon Teaching from its Authors in Eternity. An enlightening study bringing a Message of Universal Love and Forgiveness from the Progenitors of the Dreamspell for all Initiates and Apprentices looking for Truth. In Lak’ech


 We are Three Stones, but we Speak as One !

The Telektonon Trinity have new codes to dispense that unveil a profound wisdom that was hidden deep within the mists of the Dreamspell Telektonon; the same sacred codes that can be found etched in stone in the Temples of Palenque. To those with eyes to see, ears to listen and hearts to feel, a new format in understanding the Telektonon has been delivered bringing Divine Synthesis to the Mythic Theatre that we have been part of and witnessed. Embed within the codes are the magical factors that give reason to the Progenitor Archetypes. They are the Master Codes for the Mother of all Prophecy.

The Dreamspell Telektonon of Pakal Votan and Bolon Ik is a Living Stream. 

Many are the witnesses of their path. 

Many are the Children of their Sacred Ministry.

The Children of the Dreamspell are witness to a Masterpiece of Prophecy played out upon the Great Stage of Earth. The Twin…

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