Snakes & Ladders: King Pakal’s Sacred Vendetta Inscribed on the Stairway to Heaven

The Archetypal Maya rivalry between Pakal’s Lineage of Baakal, associated with the White Heron, and the archenemy Lineage of Kaan, associated with the Serpent.

[Versión en Español aquí]

The official INAH Mexico has recently announced the results of a new epigraphic study of the Maya glyphs inscribed on the Hieroglyphic Stairway of the Palace of Lakamha’ (Palenque, Chiapas). This new reading goes deeper into the narrative of the sacred wars led by Pakal the Great against the Snake Kingdom (Kaan Kingdom), the archenemy of his sacred lineage who, in the past, not only destroyed the inscriptions and monuments of Palenque but also assassinated most of the royal line. It is now known that Pakal had a primal vendetta against the Snake bloodline, the reason why he not only captured and sacrificed his rivals, but he also desecrated the skeletal remains of the ones who attacked his city even before he was born.


In this all new Tortuga 13:20 Series, Galactic Maya researchers Gar Magusa and Itzadragon unearth and dissect some of the deepest enigmas of the Palenque Maya. Legendary events that Pakal the Great himself deemed important enough to be inscribed in stone, once again see the light.

Tortuga 13:20 are proud to be part of this unveiling, because “Reconstructing the Planet Art Legacy” does not only apply to the cultural movement initiated by the visionary work of Jose and Lloydine Argüelles. The great reconstruction extends deep into the original source of this wisdom, which is anchored in the Maya Myth of Lakamha’ (Palenque). Both authors tirelessly researched and studied the inscriptions and mythic history, transcribing and transcreating its essence into the prophetic dispensation of the Dreamspell and Telektonon. We must however understand, that at their point in the timeline, not everything about the inscribed history of Palenque had been completely deciphered.

Considering the rapid development of the Maya Epigraphy, the study of these hieroglyphs is a key to accurately understand the Maya Transmission, a historical truth which has always been inscribed. As such, we find ourselves in a unique position, because the story is still unfolding. We are witnessing in realtime the unravelling of new chapters in this enigmatic narrative.

Hieroglyphic Stairway at Palenque, Palace, House C by Felix Kupprat

Our purpose through this ongoing work is to Unify the Realtime with the Dreamtime. The Ancient with the Future. The Conscious with the Unconscious. Because only by bringing these streams together, can we truly understand and discern the narrative that is unfolding and that which we are being told.

This research focuses on the new decipherments of Pakal’s inscriptions on the Hieroglyphic Stairway at the House C, originally named “U Naah Chan” (“House of the First Heaven”) and situated within the Palace of Lakamha’ (Palenque). This is the story of the primal archetypal rivalry between Pakal’s lineage of Baakal, associated with the White Heron, and the archenemy lineage of Kaan, associated with the Serpent.

Continue reading “Snakes & Ladders: King Pakal’s Sacred Vendetta Inscribed on the Stairway to Heaven”

Serpientes y Escaleras: La Sagrada Venganza de Pakal Inscrita en la Escalera al Cielo

La rivalidad Maya Arquetípica entre el Linaje de Baakal del Rey Pakal (asociado con la Garza Blanca), y su archienemigo Linaje de Kaan (asociado con la Serpiente).

[English version here]

Recientemente, el organismo oficial INAH México ha anunciado los resultados de un nuevo estudio epigráfico de los glifos mayas inscritos en la Escalera Jeroglífica del Palacio de Lakamha’ (Palenque, Chiapas). Esta nueva lectura profundiza en la narrativa de las guerras sagradas, lideradas por Pakal el Grande, en contra del Reino de la Serpiente (Reino de Kaan), el archienemigo de su linaje, quien en el pasado no sólo destruyó las inscripciones y monumentos de Palenque, sino que también asesinó a la mayoría de su estirpe real. Ahora se conoce que Pakal tuvo una vendetta primal en contra del linaje de la Serpiente, razón por la cual no sólo capturó y sacrificó a sus rivales, sino que también profanó los restos óseos de aquellos que habían atacado su ciudad, incluso antes de su propio nacimiento.


En esta completamente nueva Serie de Tortuga 13:20, los investigadores de Estudios Maya Galácticos, Gar Magusa e Itzadragon, desentierran y diseccionan algunos de los enigmas más profundos de los Maya de Palenque. Ahora salen a la Luz eventos legendarios que el mismo, Pakal el Grande, consideró suficientemente importantes como para dejar inscritos en piedra.

Tortuga 13:20 se enorgullece de formar parte de esta develación, ya que la “Reconstrucción del Arte Planetario” no solamente se refiere al movimiento cultural iniciado por el visionario trabajo de José y Lloydine Argüelles. La gran reconstrucción se extiende más profundamente a la fuente original de esta sabiduría, la cual está anclada en el Mito Maya de Lakamha’ (Palenque). Ambos autores investigaron y estudiaron sin descanso las inscripciones y la historia mítica, transcribiendo y transcreando así su esencia en la dispensación profética del Dreamspell (Encantamiento del Sueño) y del Telektonon. No obstante, debemos entender que desde su posición en la línea de tiempo, no todo lo que hoy se conoce de la historia inscrita de Palenque había sido descifrado completamente.

Considerando el rápido desarrollo de la Epigrafía Maya, el estudio de estos jeroglíficos es clave para entender la Transmisión Maya, una verdad que ha estado siempre inscrita. De este modo, nos encontramos en una posición única, porque la historia mítica aún se despliega frente a nosotros. Estamos siendo testigos en tiempo real del desentrañamiento de nuevos capítulos de esta enigmática narrativa.

Hieroglyphic Stairway at Palenque, Palace, House C by Felix Kupprat

A través de este trabajo en curso, el propósito es poder Unificar el Tiempo Real con el Tiempo de Sueño, lo Ancestral con lo Futuro, lo Consciente con lo Inconsciente. Sólo a través de la reunión de estas corrientes, podemos entender y discernir la verdadera narrativa que ahora se despliega con claridad y de la cual estamos siendo informados.

De este modo, la presente investigación se enfoca en los nuevos desciframientos de las inscripciones de Pakal en la Escalera Jeroglífica de la Casa C, llamada originalmente “U Naah Chan” (“Casa del Primer Cielo”) y ubicada dentro del Palacio de Lakamha’ (Palenque). Ésta es la historia de la rivalidad arquetípica primal entre el linaje de Baakal del Rey Pakal, asociado con la Garza Blanca, y el archienemigo linaje de Kaan, asociado con la Serpiente.

Continue reading “Serpientes y Escaleras: La Sagrada Venganza de Pakal Inscrita en la Escalera al Cielo”

11:11:19:19 Crystal Hologram: The Solar Sequence of Ascension

The entrance into the first Tzolkin Heart of the Magnetic Wizard Year has marked the conclusion of a Crystal Hologram of Ascension, right at the Centre of the Harmonic 33. This multidimensional portal was opened through the recent Transit of Mercury on 11.11.19 (11 November 2019), covering a 9-day period until 19 November (19.11). As it will be observed through this article, this 11:11:19:19 Hologram is a timeless transmission which accurately inscribes the Solar Sequence of Ascension of the Crystal Prophecy. This is here demonstrated through the interaction of the 13:20, 11:11, 19:19 and the 33:33 matrix systems. 

Tune In Crystal Audio Meditation:

Truth is Always Inscribed

“Never forget, children of the Day of Truth: All is Number. God is a Number. God is in All.“–Telektonon of Pacal Votan by Jose & Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik)

As it has been pointed out across the Tortuga 13:20 communications, we sustain that all Spiritual Truth is always Inscribed because it can be scientifically proven; whether by the decipherment of ancient inscriptions, or by concepts inscribed within universal theoretical frames, or even better when spiritual revelations are inscribed through number on the multi-dimensional matrix systems. These aspects of spiritual evidence are the key to dissolve ignorance, to distinguish truth from fallacy, reality from illusion. By mastering these methods, the spiritual seekers cannot be easily manipulated by spiritual parasites, whose false vanity claims constitute a red herring that is never inscribed on any account.

By contrast, the spiritual inscriptions on the matrix systems contain the mathematical blueprint and sacred geometry of the holographic cosmos, the numeric divine source of all archetypal beings. It is exactly through these multi-dimensional lens that we can find the hidden messages behind the celestial events of our holographic cosmos, thus receiving the insights from our higher levels of existence.

A great example of this is the recent and rare astronomical event of Mercury Transit 2019 on the symbolic date of 11 November (coded 11.11.19), which has opened a 9-day hologram of multidimensional synchronicity. A timeless portal that has been unfolding right at the Mystical Central Column of the 13:20 Dreamspell Tzolkin, precisely leaded by Kin 121 (11×11), which evidently represents the Power of 11. The inscription of this hologram turns even more significative if we consider that it unfolds within the first Tzolkin Mystic Column of the actual Magnetic Wizard Year, and that the portal concludes on 19 November 2019 (coded 19.11.19 or 11.19.19), right on Kin 130, the Heart of the Tzolkin and the Harmonic 33.

Evidently, these dates exactly refer to the Crystal Codes of 11:11, 19:11, 19:19 which are contained within the hyper-dimensional system of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix (19 Matrix). And, as it will be observed across this writing, this 11:11:19:19 Portal demonstrates the Crystal Hologram of the 19:19 Solar Sequence of Ascension. In this way, the encoded wisdom behind the celestial event of Mercury is clearly the Crystal Model of Ascension. This is precisely the same model already inscribed by the 19:19 Pyramid Hologram of the Maya Twin Archetypes, King Pakal and Queen Tz’akbu, on behalf of the Telektonon’s Galactic Maya Archetypes of Pakal Votan and Bolon Ik. (See videos at the end of this writing). 

The 11:11:19:19 Crystal Hologram is also demonstrated through the multi-dimensional interaction of the 13:20, 11:11, 19:19 and the 33:33 matrix systems. Thus, the Crystal Prophecy has always been Inscribed!

Continue reading “11:11:19:19 Crystal Hologram: The Solar Sequence of Ascension”

The Galactic Feminine Cycles of Bolon Ik, Venus and the Maya Queen Tz’akbu

“Usually we don’t know the whole story until quite a bit of time later, and in this way, we are always shown that the Divine Pattern is working us.’

“If you’re not living your own truth, it’s going to catch up with you. There is a Universal Truth that is pulling us all forward.”

–Lloydine Bolon Ik 

The month of May marks every year the 5th month of the 12-month Gregorian year. It is during this time that Mother’s Day is celebrated in many places around the world. This is without a doubt one of the most important occasions for people from all generations and different backgrounds to come together around the family’s central figure, to celebrate Womanhood and the Creative/Re-generative principle as inseparable companions of our everyday experience of life as human beings on Earth.

Within the Galactic Maya Cosmology, the 2-day window at the heart of the 5th month of the Gregorian year and the core of the 11th Moon of the 13-Moon year, is also always remembered with great love and appreciation, as May 15-16 (days 14 and 15 of the Spectral 11th Moon of Liberation) marks the consecutive anniversary of the arrival and departure of the life partner of José Argüelles, who provided the nurturing soil and energy necessary to give birth to the foundational codes of the New Dispensation of Time:

The daughter of Maya, Lloydine Bolon Ik, the White Solar Wind, Kin 22

Lloydine Bolon Ik – The Archetypal Mother of  the Dreamspell / 13 Moons  Calendar

On 16 May 2019, this special window is highlighted by another KEY prophetic synchronisation milestone within the Feminine strand of Galactic Maya prophetic line:

  • The completion of 5 Solar Rings (5 Years : 7 Tzolkins + 5 days) since the Ascension of  Lloydine Bolon Ik (16 May 2014 – NS1.26.11.15)
  • The parallel completion of  25 Years (5x5) since the Discovery of the Tomb of Tz’akbu Ajaw (16 May 1994 – NS1.7.11.15), the Maya Queen consort of King Pakal who was buried in Temple XIII (13) of Lakamha’ (Palenque).
According to the official timeline by INAH Mexico, the tomb of the monarch was pierced open and seen by the first time on 16 May 1994, while her sarcophagus’ lid was finally lifted on 1 June 1994.

This divine synchronisation between the ascension of the Archetypal Mother of the Dreamspell / 13 Moons and the discovery of the tomb of the Archetypal Matriarch of the Palenque’s dynasty, via May 16 and number 5, is literally mind-blowing and heart moving, especially for those who study and follow the divine patterns of synchronicity.

According to these divine patterns, the Pyramid Hologram Transmission of the Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw was also synchronised with the life on Earth of Lloydine Bolon Ik, as demonstrated by the higher dimensional system of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix.

Continue reading “The Galactic Feminine Cycles of Bolon Ik, Venus and the Maya Queen Tz’akbu”

The Original Matrix of Avebury 33:33

Fresh insights from the 33:33 Matrix to be fully presented at the “New Earth Wizards 33:33“, 20-26 July 2019, Avebury Stone Circle, England, UK. Reblogged on Tortuga 13:20 on Kin 38 (19+19). Published on Kin 34 by Gar Magusa Kin 34. Commemorating 44 Galactic Spins since the beginning of the Wizard Count on 26 July 1987 (Kin 34). Number 44 = 22+22 = 11+11+11+11. Aho! ❤

“After many years studying the 33:33 matrix system and following its divine pattern, consciously fusing it with the 19:19 Crystal Matrix and the Dreamspell, many more synchronic codes and meanings have been transmitted from the source. Each code is a missing piece of the universal jigsaw. Each revelation is a unique thread in the great tapestry of cosmic love. The higher picture is becoming crystal clear and during New Earth Wizards 33:33, we’ll get to experience and discover all the divine synchronic codes and toolsets that constitute the Original Matrix of Avebury. The codes prove an undeniable link to the life paths of the Valum Votan and Bolon Ik and their Magical Mystery Realtime-Dreamtime Telektonon tour through space, time and prophecy. A journey whose ultimate teaching is that you can only Attain the Original Matrix when the Original Matriarch is Affirmed (Matriarch = Matrix = Mater = Mother). This is the affirmation of the New Earth Wizards.”

–Gar Magusa, Kin 34. Author of the 19:19 and the 33:33 matrix systems. 


Dear Friends,

You are cordially invited to join us in the mythical landscape of Avebury in Britain for the New Earth Wizards International Conference and Day Out of Time Celebration: Unveiling the Ancient-Future Mysteries of the Dimensional Shift. During the conference I will be presenting, in full resolution, the connection between the Stone Temple of Avebury, the 19:19 Crystal Matrix and the OMG33 – a trinity of living gnosis that forms the foundation of the Original Matrix. As will be demonstrated during the gathering, OMA is the Original Matrix of Avebury.

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The Telektonon Trinity : Part 6D Transmission 2. The Perfection of the Divine Order Teaches Peace.

“The Perfection of the Divine Synchronic Order Teaches Peace” — 19 Matrix

Introduction by Tortuga 13:20

As mentioned in our daily post on the Dreamspell Journey page, the date of 23 March 2018 (5 Seed, Kin 44) has marked 7 Solar Years (Seventh Power) since the Ascension of Jose Argüelles, Valum Votan. This date is extremely relevant within the Crystal Prophecy unveiled by the 19 Matrix in 2013. This is because 23 March always corresponds to Day 241 (Two for One) in the Solar Sequence of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix. It is the mystical day that Crystal 1 and Crystal 2 meet. The day that Two Crystal Archetypes become One. This script confirms the inter-dimensional anchor of this visionary system because:
Pacal Votan was born on Day 241, March 23rd, 603.
Valum Votan ascended on Day 241, March 23rd, 2011.
Learn more about the Riddle of the Votan.

As another magnificent example of the divine magic of this system, the recent date 23 March 2018 corresponded to Day 140 of the second round of the Dreamtime Telektonon of Valum Votan and Bolon Ik. Let us remember that the first round of the Dreamtime Telektonon closed on the last Kin 163 (3 November 2017, Day of the Dead in Mexico) and that its second round started the day after on Kin 164 (4 November 2017, Galactic Seed). Therefore, 23 March 2018 marked the 7th Solar Cycle since the Ascension of Valum Votan in synch with Day 140 of the new Dreamtime Telektonon Sequence. Precisely, number 140 is The Number of the Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan.

This auspicious synchronism brought a new confirmation about the Feminine Twin Crystal Archetype of Votan. The Telektonon Trinity has spoken again on 23 March 2018, Kin 44, which exactly encodes the Masculine and Feminine Archetypal Twins. This is because Number 44 = 22:22 = 11:11 : 11+11 (Valum Votan and Bolon Ik). If the Riddle of the Votan applies to their Galactic Feminine counterparts, then the divine system of the Crystal Matrix actually reveals the Birth Kin of Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw, the Archetypal Twin of King Pakal (Pacal Votan).

Tortuga 13:20 is proud to present this new synchronic codes brought by Gar Magusa, the author of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix (Kin 34, Galactic Wizard). Another RealTime / DreamTime synchronicity, which has been precisely sealed on Long Count Kin 258 + Dreamspell Kin 44 (22+22) = Kin 42 = 21+21. It all explains why the Exhibit of Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw in New York started on Kin 21 and Kin 22.

“I have an understanding of the radial matrix and the plus one factor that are what I consider to be profound decodings.” — Lloydine Bolon Ik

In Lak’ech ❤


Today is the 140th day of the new Dreamtime Telektonon Sequence which began on kin 164, Nov 4th 2017. Today is also Day 241 in the 19:19 Crystal Matrix, which is the day the 2 Crystal Archetypes of the magical matrix meet and become one. This auspicious synchronism commemorates the portal between the ascension of Valum Votan and the birth of Pakal Votan. A crystal time tunnel through which the Votan archetype was induced into a leap of cosmic faith down the tube of life through death. Much has already been said about this most mythic of phenomena.

To mark this point in the cosmic time line today I have been chosen to receive another transmission from the Telektonon Trinity beckoning me towards the decipherment of the birth kin of Queen Tzak’bu Ajaw, the noble wife and equal of King Pakal Votan. Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw, is the missing piece of…

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Tz’akbu Ajaw: Resurrección de la Reina Maya Ancestral de Lakamha’ Palenque

La ofrenda funeraria completa de la Reina Maya Tz’akbu Ajaw de Palenque, quien fuera conocida anteriormente por el apodo de “Reina Roja”. Foto: Abril Buendía, Prensa, INAH. Hacer clic para expandir. 

[17 Enero 2018, Encantamiento del Sueño Kin 239 – Tormenta 5]

El INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México) anunció en Kin 239 que el ajuar funerario completo de la reina Tz’akbu Ajaw (Templo XIII, Lakamhá, Palenque) está siendo exhibido públicamente por vez primera. (Leer noticia aquí)

El arte funerario completo de la sepultura real fue reconstruido cuidadosamente por un equipo multidisciplinario. Al momento de publicar este informe, la ofrenda real se encuentra en el Museo J Paul Getty de Los Angeles, EE. UU., como parte de la exhibición “Reinos Dorados” (Golden Kingdoms). En fecha 28 de Febrero 2018 (Kin 21), la misma exposición abrirá al público en el Museo Metropolitano de Arte de la emblemática ciudad de Nueva York.

ALPHA OMEGA_ GoldenKingdoms

El vídeo oficial del INAH también fue subido en el mismo Kin 239 (Tormenta 5) de la Onda Encantada del Águila Azul.

El Orden Sincrónico Divino indica que las fechas y números asociados a esta exposición son de relevante significado profético en el contexto de la Profecía Maya Galáctica del Nuevo Tiempo visualizada por el ministerio de Valum Votan y Bolon Ik.

Continue reading “Tz’akbu Ajaw: Resurrección de la Reina Maya Ancestral de Lakamha’ Palenque”

Tz’akbu Ajaw: The Resurrection of the Maya Queen of Lakamha’ Palenque

The entire burial offerings of Maya Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw, formerly known by the nickname of “Red Queen”. Photo Credits: Abril Buendía, Prensa, INAH. Click to enlarge.

Galactic Maya breaking News! 

[17 January 2018, Dreamspell Kin 239 (5 Storm)]

On this date, the INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico) announced that the full burial assemblage of Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw (Temple XIII, Lakamha’ Palenque) are now being exhibited to the public for the first time. (Read news in Spanish)

The entire funerary art of the Maya Queen’s grave was carefully reconstructed by a multidisciplinary team. At the moment of publishing this report, it is displayed at the J Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, USA, as part of the exhibition “Golden Kingdoms”. On the 28 of February 2018 (Kin 21), the same exhibition will be opening to the public at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

ALPHA OMEGA_ GoldenKingdoms

The official video by INAH in Spanish was also uploaded on Kin 239 (5 Storm) of the Wavespell 19 of the Blue Eagle.

The Divine Synchronic Order shows that the dates and numbers of these announcements are of relevant prophetic significance according to the Galactic Maya Prophecy of the New Time envisioned by Valum Votan and Bolon Ik.  

Continue reading “Tz’akbu Ajaw: The Resurrection of the Maya Queen of Lakamha’ Palenque”

Pakal the Great within the Mystical Centre of 33. The Cosmic Love of the Feathered Bird Serpent: The Maya Dragon

A profound vision of the Feathered Serpent, embodied by Pakal the Great at the centre of the Sacred Tzolkin Count, 13 Ok, Kin 130, Harmonic 33. The Love Story of the Eagle and the Serpent within the Tzolkin, a mythical re-creation of the Birth of Kukulkan and the mystery of the Mayan Dragon. In Lak’ech ❤
Versión en Español:


A profound vision of the Feathered Serpent, the mythical archetype of Ancient Mesoamerica embodied by Pakal the Great, the legendary Maya King of Lakamha’ (Great Waters, Palenque). A significant revelation embedded within the centre of the Sacred Count of the Tzolkin, 13 Ok, Dreamspell Kin 130, Harmonic 33, and what I have defined as the “Mystical Centre of 33”. This essay unveils how King Pakal entered this mystical centre to transcend as Cosmic Love, representing the Love Story of the Eagle and the Serpent inside the Tzolkin, a mythical re-creation of the Birth of Kukulkan and the mystery of the Mayan Dragon. Thus, King Pakal confirms an inter-dimensional axis where the Classic Maya Tzolkin and the Dreamspell Maya Tzolkin actually synchronise.

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Pakal el Grande dentro del Centro Místico de 33. El Amor Cósmico del Ave Serpiente Emplumada: El Dragón Maya

Una profunda visión de; Ave Serpiente Emplumada representada por Pakal el Grande en el Centro del Tzolkin. Una recreación mítica del Nacimiento de Kukulkán y del misterio del Dragón Maya. In Lak’ech

Itzadragon en Español

Una profunda visión de la Serpiente Emplumada, el mítico arquetipo de la Mesoamérica Ancestral, representada por Pakal el Grande, el legendario Rey Maya de Lakamha’ (Grandes Aguas, Palenque). Una trascendente revelación incrustada en el centro de la Cuenta Sagrada del Tzolkin, 13 Ok, Kin 130 del Encantamiento del Sueño, Armónica 33 y lo que he definido como el “Centro Místico de 33”. El presente ensayo devela cómo el Rey Pakal entró a dicho centro a fin de trascender como Amor Cósmico; personificando así la Historia de Amor entre el Águila y la Serpiente en el Tzolkin, una recreación mítica del Nacimiento de Kukulkán y del misterio del Dragón Maya. De este modo, el Rey Pakal confirma la existencia de un eje multidimensional en donde el Tzolkin Maya Clásico y el Tzolkin del Encantamiento del Sueño se sincronizan de forma asombrosa.

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The Telektonon Trinity : Part 4D, The Realtime Dreamtime Prophecy

The New Time Codes of Telektonon: The Mother of All Prophecy. Unveiling the Primordial Telektonon Teaching from its Authors in Eternity. An enlightening study bringing a Message of Universal Love and Forgiveness from the Progenitors of the Dreamspell for all Initiates and Apprentices looking for Truth. In Lak’ech


 We are Three Stones, but we Speak as One !

The Telektonon Trinity have new codes to dispense that unveil a profound wisdom that was hidden deep within the mists of the Dreamspell Telektonon; the same sacred codes that can be found etched in stone in the Temples of Palenque. To those with eyes to see, ears to listen and hearts to feel, a new format in understanding the Telektonon has been delivered bringing Divine Synthesis to the Mythic Theatre that we have been part of and witnessed. Embed within the codes are the magical factors that give reason to the Progenitor Archetypes. They are the Master Codes for the Mother of all Prophecy.

The Dreamspell Telektonon of Pakal Votan and Bolon Ik is a Living Stream. 

Many are the witnesses of their path. 

Many are the Children of their Sacred Ministry.

The Children of the Dreamspell are witness to a Masterpiece of Prophecy played out upon the Great Stage of Earth. The Twin…

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La Trinidad del Telektonon: Parte 4D. La Profecía en Tiempo Real y Tiempo del Sueño

Los Nuevos Códigos del Tiempo del Telektonon: La Madre de Toda Profecía.
Develando la Enseñanza Primordial del Telektonon de la mano de sus Autores en la Eternidad. Un estudio revelador que conlleva un Mensaje de Amor y Perdón Universal de los Progenitores del Encantamiento del Sueño para todos los Iniciados y Aprendices en búsqueda de la Verdad.
In Lak’ech

Itzadragon en Español

Por Gar Magusa, Blog GalacticWizard34. Traducido y Editado al Español por Itzadragon, Kin 21.

¡Somos Tres Piedras, pero Hablamos como Una!

La Trinidad del Telektonon está trayendo nuevos códigos que revelan una profunda sabiduría. Hasta ahora, estos códigos habían estado escondidos dentro de una bruma que empañaba al Telektonon del Encantamiento del Sueño. Se trata de los mismos códigos sagrados que se encuentran inscritos en piedra en los templos de Palenque. Para aquellos con ojos para ver, oídos para escuchar y corazones para sentir; existe un nuevo formato para entender el Telektonon, el cual conlleva una Síntesis Divina del Teatro Mítico del cuál hemos sido testigos presenciales. Dentro de dichos códigos, se encuentran incrustados los factores mágicos que dan razón de ser al Arquetipo Progenitor. Estamos frente a los códigos de la Madre de Toda Profecía.

El Telektonon del Encantamiento del Sueño de Pacal Votan y Bolon Ik es…

View original post 6,227 more words

The Missing Chapter: Author’s Afterword of “The Art Planet Chronicles” by José Argüelles Valum Votan (PAN 1996)

“The Art Planet Chronicles: The Making of the Fifth Ring” was a novel written by José Argüelles in 1981, which was released for free via the Planet Art Network (PAN) on 13 December 1996 (Kin 79, Magnetic Storm), including the Author’s Afterword chapter.

Unfortunately, this whole chapter of Planet Art History was removed from the comercial edition published by the Foundation of the Law of Time (FLT) in 2014, just a few months after the Ascension of Lloydine Bolon Ik.

This inspirational chapter is one of the few autobiographies of the prophetic ministry of  Jose Valum Votan and Lloydine Bolon Ik. This writing also constitutes a truly profound memory of the origins of PAN, the Rainbow Bridge Vision, the Dreamspell Journey and the New Time Prophecy.

The Afterword Chapter shows how important was the role of Lloydine Bolon Ik for the whole manifestation of the New Time. As Jose Argüelles himself put it within this writing:

“I have had no choice but to follow the unfolding of my galactic course, but without the unique love that came to me by name of Lloydine Burris, none of what I have been able to know, communicate or deliver of that galactic course would ever have come to light.”

The missing Afterword Chapter was reconstructed by Tortuga 13:20 and presented on Kin 79 (Magnetic Storm) of the Blue Spectral Storm Year in 2016. These timeless words of Valum Votan were precisely written on the same Kin 79 but during the Self-Existing Storm Year of 1996. The Kin 79 is also the bearer of the Storm Wavespell which guided Valum’s Ascension on Kin 89.

By sharing the original Afterword, including its original and symbolic pages’ numbers (i.e. Page 164 = Kin 164, Galactic Seed), we Honour with Gratitude the original source of the sacred codes by which many of us live today. This is the Planet Art Peace that was seeded by the New Time ministry of Valum Votan and Bolon Ik. In Lak’ech ❤

Afterwords The Art Planet Chronicles
Original Author’s Afterword Chapter of “The Art Planet Chronicles”, released for free in 1996 by José Argüelles via the Planet Art Network. This beautiful Chapter of Planet Art History is one of the few autobiographies of Jose Argüelles / Valum Votan but it was unfortunately removed from the 2014 edition by the FLT.

Continue reading “The Missing Chapter: Author’s Afterword of “The Art Planet Chronicles” by José Argüelles Valum Votan (PAN 1996)”

Lunar Storm Year: The Transformational Shift of the Crystal Prophecy

The Galactic Maya New Year of the Blue Lunar Storm, which commenced on 26 July 2020, has been coded by Kin 119. This prophetic kin marked the memorable milestones of the 33rd Anniversary of the Dreamspell Count, as well as the completion of 7 years since the Timeship Earth 2013.

[Ver en Español]

Also dubbed as the Wizard’s Count, the Dreamspell was initiated 33 years ago on 26 July 1987 (Galactic Wizard Year, coded by Kin 34). Its authors, Jose and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), established this first Dreamspell Year in 1987 as the 26-year countdown towards the dimensional shift of 2012-2013 (Timeship Earth 2013), which was observed 7 years ago with the Galactic Seed Synchronisation (26 July 2013, Kin 164).

In addition to synchronising the relevant 33-year and 7-year milestones of the Dreamspell Count, the new solar cycle of the Lunar Storm Year is nested within the greater 13-year Cycle of the White Wizard (2019-2032), which contains the Power of Timelessness. The Lunar Storm Year marks the second year of this cycle and thus it constitutes the Lunar Chamber 2 of Challenge within this greater 13-year wavespell.

In this way, Kin 119: Blue Lunar Storm is a transformational catalyser for the Ascension from 4D Time towards the next dimensions of spiritual consciousness (5D, 6D, 7D). Accordingly, the key to access these higher dimensions of timelessness is to fathom the multidimensional meaning of Kin 119 (2 Storm), the Kin bearer of the Blue Lunar Storm Year.

Affirmation of the Blue Lunar Storm Year coded by Kin 119 (2 Storm)

As it will be observed, Kin 119 encodes both the double Power of 19 and the unfolding revelation of the Crystal Prophecy inscribed on the 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix, the Telektonon Matrix and the 19:19 Crystal Matrix, amongst others.

Kin 119 also refers to the number 119 that unravels the feminine balance mystery of the Bolon Ik Archetype, thus restoring the Unified Transmission of the Twin Crystal Archetypes of the Galactic Maya, Pakal Votan and Bolon Ik. United as one, they embody and teach the Crystal Model of Ascension.

All in all, the synchronic order is informing us that Kin 119 is not only the evolutionary challenge of the 13-year Wizard Cycle of Timelessness, but also the divine synchroniser of the 33-year and 7-year milestones of the Galactic Maya Dreamspell Count.

”In the Fourth Dimension Time enters the Crystal, refracts between the angels, and exits as a Rainbow of Timelessness.” (19:19 Crystal Matrix)

On this auspicious Blue Lunar Storm Year, Tortuga 13:20 is also proud to present the “Realtime Dreamtime Crystal Codex”, a Free 4-year education program for Planetary Kin. In Lak’ech ❤

Continue reading “Lunar Storm Year: The Transformational Shift of the Crystal Prophecy”

Año de la Tormenta Lunar: El Giro Transformacional de la Profecía Cristal

El Año Nuevo Maya Galáctico de la Tormenta Lunar Azul, el cual comenzó el 26 de Julio 2020, ha estado codificado por el Kin 119. Este kin profético ha marcado los memorables hitos del Aniversario 33 de la Cuenta del Encantamiento del Sueño, además del cumplimiento de 7 años desde la Nave Tiempo Tierra 2013.

[See in English]

También conocida como la Cuenta del Mago, la cuenta del Encantamiento del Sueño (Dreamspell) se inició 33 años atrás, en fecha 26 de Julio 1987 (Año del Mago Galáctico, codificado por Kin 34). Sus autores, José y Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan y Bolon Ik), establecieron este primer año del Encantamiento del Sueño en 1987 como la cuenta regresiva de 26 años hacia el cambio dimensional del 2012-2013 (Nave Tiempo Tierra 2013), el cual se observó hace 7 años con la Sincronización de la Semilla Galáctica (26 de Julio 2013, Kin 164).

Además de sincronizar los relevantes hitos de 33 años y 7 años de la Cuenta Dreamspell, el nuevo ciclo solar del Año de la Tormenta Lunar está anidado dentro del gran Ciclo del Mago Blanco de 13 años (2019-2032) que contiene el Poder de la Atemporalidad. El  Año de la Tormenta Lunar marca el segundo año de este ciclo y, por lo tanto, constituye la Cámara Lunar 2 del Desafío dentro de esta gran onda encantada de 13 años.

De este modo, el Kin 119: Tormenta Lunar Azul es un catalizador transformacional para la Ascensión desde el Tiempo 4D hacia las siguientes dimensiones de conciencia espiritual (5D, 6D, 7D). En consecuencia, la clave para acceder a estas dimensiones superiores de la atemporalidad es poder comprender el significado multidimensional del Kin 119 (Tormenta 2), el Kin portador del Año de la Tormenta Lunar Azul.

Afirmación del Año de la Tormenta Lunar Azul codificado por el Kin 119 (Tormenta 2)

Como se observará, el Kin 119 codifica tanto el doble Poder del 19, como el despliegue de la revelación de la Profecía Cristal inscrita en la Matriz 13:20 Tzolkin, la Matriz del Telektonon y la Matriz Cristal 19:19 (19:19 Cristal Matrix), entre otras.

El Kin 119 también refiere al número 119 que desentraña el misterio del equilibrio femenino del Arquetipo de Bolon Ik, restaurando así la Transmisión Unificada de los Arquetipos Cristal Gemelos Maya Galácticos, Pakal Votan y Bolon Ik. Unidos como Uno, ellos encarnan y enseñan el Modelo Cristal de Ascensión.

En conjunto, el orden sincrónico nos está informando que el Kin 119 no solamente constituye el desafío evolutivo del Ciclo de 13 Años de la Atemporalidad del Mago, sino que también es el sincronizador divino de los hitos de 33 años 7 años de la Cuenta Maya Galáctica del Encantamiento del Sueño (Dreamspell).

“En la Cuarta Dimensión, el Tiempo entra en el Cristal, se refracta entre los ángeles y sale como Arcoíris de la Atemporalidad. (19:19 Crystal Matrix)

En este auspicioso Año de la Tormenta Lunar Azul, la Tortuga 13:20 también se enorgullece en presentar el “Realtime Dreamtime Crystal Codex” (“Códice Crystal en Tiempo Real y Tiempo del Sueño”), un programa educativo gratuito de 4 años para todos lo Kines Planetarios. In Lak’ech ❤

Continue reading “Año de la Tormenta Lunar: El Giro Transformacional de la Profecía Cristal”

Harmonic Convergence 33 Meditation / Meditación Convergencia Armónica 33

[English & Español]

We are commemorating 34 years of the Harmonic Convergence (16-17 August 1987-2021) / Estamos conmemorando los 34 años de la Convergencia Armónica (16-17 Agosto 1987-2021) 

Tune In the Timeless 33-Minute Meditation / Sintoniza Meditación Atemporal de 33 Minutos (Ajustar Subtítulos)

The Harmonic Convergence 33 is now a Synchronic Peace Meditation of the Planet Art Network, which was born during the commemoration the 33rd Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence. Through this post, the PAN Tortuga 13:20 invited all the Planetary Kin to commemorate the mystical 33 Years of the Harmonic Convergence (16-17 August 1987-2020) and join the Synchronic Peace Meditation, which was coordinated by the Planet Art Network (PAN) on the 16th of August 2020 at 3:33 PM Universal Time (15:33 hr UTC/GMT).

This Meditation is now Timeless ❤

Harmonic Convergence 33 Meditation

La Convergencia Armónica 33 (Harmonic Convergence 33) es una Meditación Sincrónica por la Paz de la Red de Arte Planetario, la cual nació durante la conmemoración del Aniversario 33 de la Convergencia Armónica. A través de esta publicación, el nodo R.A.P. Tortuga 13:20 invitó a todos los Kines Planetarios a conmemorar los místicos 33 Años de la Convergencia Armónica (16-17 de Agosto 1987-2020) y unirse a la Meditación Sincrónica por la Paz, coordinada por la Red de Arte Planetario R.A.P (Planet Art Network / PAN) en fecha 16 de Agosto de 2020 a las 3:33 PM en Tiempo Universal (15:33 hrs. UTC/GMT).

Ahora esta Meditación es Atemporal ❤

Meditación Convergencia Armónica 33

Harmonic Convergence 33 / Convergencia Armónica 33

[English & Español]

Tune In the Timeless 33-Minute Meditation

Sintoniza Meditación Atemporal de 33 Minutos (Ajustar Subtítulos)

The Harmonic Convergence 33 is now a Synchronic Peace Meditation of the Planet Art Network, which was born during the commemoration the 33rd Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence.

Through this post, the PAN Tortuga 13:20 invited all the Planetary Kin to commemorate the mystical 33 Years of the Harmonic Convergence (16-17 August 1987-2020) and join the Synchronic Peace Meditation, which was coordinated by the Planet Art Network (PAN) on the 16th of August 2020 at 3:33 PM Universal Time (15:33 hr UTC/GMT).

This Meditation is now Timeless ❤

Learn More

Harmonic Convergence 33

La Convergencia Armónica 33 (Harmonic Convergence 33) es una Meditación Sincrónica por la Paz de la Red de Arte Planetario, la cual nació durante la conmemoración del Aniversario 33 de la Convergencia Armónica.

A través de esta publicación, el nodo R.A.P. Tortuga 13:20 invitó a todos los Kines Planetarios a conmemorar los místicos 33 Años de la Convergencia Armónica (16-17 de Agosto 1987-2020) y unirse a la Meditación Sincrónica por la Paz, coordinada por la Red de Arte Planetario R.A.P (Planet Art Network / PAN) en fecha 16 de Agosto de 2020 a las 3:33 PM en Tiempo Universal (15:33 hrs. UTC/GMT).

Ahora esta Meditación es Atemporal ❤

Saber Más

Convergencia Armónica 33

OMG33 ~ 33:33 Original Matrix of Venus

The 33:33 Original Matrix and the 99 Lunations of the 8-year Venus Cycle (33+33+33). Free Download PDF with the new mappings of the OMG33.

Screenshot 2020-06-08 at 09.40.51


Dear Friends,

These past few days I’ve been bathing in the light of Her Majesty Venus and with her recent conjunction with the Sun and ‘Rebirth’, I’ve been Called back to the Great Work of the Original Matrix of Gar 33:33, to further develop and define the relationships between :

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