The Telektonon Trinity : Part 6D Transmission 2. The Perfection of the Divine Order Teaches Peace.

“The Perfection of the Divine Synchronic Order Teaches Peace” — 19 Matrix

Introduction by Tortuga 13:20

As mentioned in our daily post on the Dreamspell Journey page, the date of 23 March 2018 (5 Seed, Kin 44) has marked 7 Solar Years (Seventh Power) since the Ascension of Jose Argüelles, Valum Votan. This date is extremely relevant within the Crystal Prophecy unveiled by the 19 Matrix in 2013. This is because 23 March always corresponds to Day 241 (Two for One) in the Solar Sequence of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix. It is the mystical day that Crystal 1 and Crystal 2 meet. The day that Two Crystal Archetypes become One. This script confirms the inter-dimensional anchor of this visionary system because:
Pacal Votan was born on Day 241, March 23rd, 603.
Valum Votan ascended on Day 241, March 23rd, 2011.
Learn more about the Riddle of the Votan.

As another magnificent example of the divine magic of this system, the recent date 23 March 2018 corresponded to Day 140 of the second round of the Dreamtime Telektonon of Valum Votan and Bolon Ik. Let us remember that the first round of the Dreamtime Telektonon closed on the last Kin 163 (3 November 2017, Day of the Dead in Mexico) and that its second round started the day after on Kin 164 (4 November 2017, Galactic Seed). Therefore, 23 March 2018 marked the 7th Solar Cycle since the Ascension of Valum Votan in synch with Day 140 of the new Dreamtime Telektonon Sequence. Precisely, number 140 is The Number of the Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan.

This auspicious synchronism brought a new confirmation about the Feminine Twin Crystal Archetype of Votan. The Telektonon Trinity has spoken again on 23 March 2018, Kin 44, which exactly encodes the Masculine and Feminine Archetypal Twins. This is because Number 44 = 22:22 = 11:11 : 11+11 (Valum Votan and Bolon Ik). If the Riddle of the Votan applies to their Galactic Feminine counterparts, then the divine system of the Crystal Matrix actually reveals the Birth Kin of Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw, the Archetypal Twin of King Pakal (Pacal Votan).

Tortuga 13:20 is proud to present this new synchronic codes brought by Gar Magusa, the author of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix (Kin 34, Galactic Wizard). Another RealTime / DreamTime synchronicity, which has been precisely sealed on Long Count Kin 258 + Dreamspell Kin 44 (22+22) = Kin 42 = 21+21. It all explains why the Exhibit of Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw in New York started on Kin 21 and Kin 22.

“I have an understanding of the radial matrix and the plus one factor that are what I consider to be profound decodings.” — Lloydine Bolon Ik

In Lak’ech ❤


Today is the 140th day of the new Dreamtime Telektonon Sequence which began on kin 164, Nov 4th 2017. Today is also Day 241 in the 19:19 Crystal Matrix, which is the day the 2 Crystal Archetypes of the magical matrix meet and become one. This auspicious synchronism commemorates the portal between the ascension of Valum Votan and the birth of Pakal Votan. A crystal time tunnel through which the Votan archetype was induced into a leap of cosmic faith down the tube of life through death. Much has already been said about this most mythic of phenomena.

To mark this point in the cosmic time line today I have been chosen to receive another transmission from the Telektonon Trinity beckoning me towards the decipherment of the birth kin of Queen Tzak’bu Ajaw, the noble wife and equal of King Pakal Votan. Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw, is the missing piece of…

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Galactic Maya Hologram: The Dreamtime Telektonon of Valum Votan & Bolon Ik. The Crystallisation of Timeship Earth.

(Ver en Español)

Introduction: The “Day of the Dead” (Día de los Muertos in Mexico) is an Ancient Mesoamerican tradition which honours the ancestors. Celebrated every year on 2 November, this date is coded 2.11 (Day 2, Month 11), and it contains the 11.11 code of Jose Valum Votan and the 11+11 = 22 of Lloydine Bolon Ik. Precisely, they are the ancestors of the Galactic Maya Cosmology who concluded their Dreamtime Telektonon on 2 November 2017, the original date of this blog. The DreamTime Telektonon was a prophetic journey of 28-Tzolkin coded by Kin 164 (Galactic Seed), which was inscribed by their living codes on Earth, as well as above in Heavens.

2 November is also a relevant date in the history of the Maya dinasty of Lakamha’ (Palenque) because it marks the dedication of the Palace’s Throne Room by King Pakal (Stuart 2008, “Palenque: The Eternal City of the Maya”). Also known as the House E, this was the only building painted in white, the sacred place from where Pakal and his only wife, the Queen Tz’akbu, ruled together. The white room was dedicated on 2 November 654, Long Count on 9 Chuwen in the Maya RealTime, which is a mirror of 9 Monkey (Kin 191) in the Dreamspell. Exactly, Valum & Bolon Ik celebrated their “White Wedding” on 9 Monkey (21 September 1983).

Logically the date 2 November, coded 2.11, is followed by 3 November, which is coded 3.11. This latter date marked the beginning of a new DreamTime Telektonon cycle on 3 November 2017 (Kin 164 – Galactic Seed). As we know, 3.11 = 3×11 = 33, which codes the combined power of Valum Kin 11 + Bolon Ik Kin 22 = Kin 33, the Master Teacher Number. In this way, the dates 2.11 and 3.11 are always special dates to meditate upon the sacred path of the Galactic Maya ancestors who brought the synchronic codes by which many of us live our days today. In Lak’ech

Galactic Maya Hologram: The Dreamtime Telektonon

“The great meaning of the Galactic Maya Consciousness is the memory of their primordial Ancestors. On one side, they are Pakal Votan and Tz’akbu Bolon Ik in the Maya RealTime. On the other, they are Valum Votan and Bolon Ik in the Galactic Maya DreamTime”. — Tortuga 13:20

Just after traversing the inter-dimensional frequencies of Samhain and All Saints Day in 2017, a truly divine synchronicity of the Galactic Maya was manifested. On the “Day of the Dead”, which is an ancient tradition in Mexico, a powerful portal was opened into a telepathic transmission from the original source. This threshold occurred during Gregorian dates 2/11 and 3/11 (2-3 November 2017), equivalent to Kin 163 (Resonant Night) and Kin 164 (Galactic Seed) within the Wavespell 13 of the Earth Mother.

This special alignment is a unique phenomenon to consciously meditate upon. It represents the culmination of an authentic and inspirational path of mastery which was walked on Earth, and now on the Heavens, by José and Lloydine Argüelles, the archetypes of Valum Votan and Bolon Ik on behalf of the Adam and Eve of the Galactic Maya Cosmology. From the other side of the veil, the Ascended Masters of the New Time are bringing back to life what they once inscribed in Eternity within the fruit of their love: Telektonon, the Mother of All Prophecy.

Continue reading “Galactic Maya Hologram: The Dreamtime Telektonon of Valum Votan & Bolon Ik. The Crystallisation of Timeship Earth.”